Increase lamb production with sheep ultrasound machine pregnancy testing

Increase lamb production with ultrasound pregnancy testing in sheep Pregnancy testing in ewes provides an opportunity to adjust nutrition and lamb management to save on feed and labor costs. The old adage that “an empty ewe takes the profit of five producing ewes” may well be true when it comes to calculating all costs. Determining the number of fetuses and the gestation period early on gives the option of categorizing nutritional needs based on late gestation and early lactation. Without this information, single-bearing ewes are being overfed and double-bearing ewes are being underfed, and empty ewes are depriving pregnant ewes of essential nutrients. Grouping ewes according to gestation stage will also save labor and allow better use of facilities and biosecurity.

Ultrasound for Goat Pregnancy Scanning

At the farm or ranch level, the products of dairy goats are lambs and goat milk. Individual production must be considered in these operations; it boils down to the amount of meat or dairy goat milk produced per dairy goat. This is not just once a year, but throughout the life of the dairy goat. The earlier you know if there is a viable pregnancy, the greater the potential for greater profitability. Ultrasound pregnancy testing for goats is a very reliable method of pregnancy testing for ewes, and breeders will have more information on which to base better breeding strategies. Ultrasound technology has been developed through the scientific study of sound waves. Ultrasound technology for sheep ultrasound machines has the ability to produce images. Waves are transmitted from crystals in a handheld ultrasound probe to specific body tissues and create a grayscale ultrasound image on a screen. The denser the tissue, the lighter or whiter the tissue (e.g., bone) appears, while fluids appear black on the image.


Post time: Mar-18-2024