Ultrasound examination of eel fish by animal Doppler color ultrasound machine

Animal Doppler color ultrasound machine examination is very useful for determining the male and female of eels and also enables high-precision biopsy of the gonads. The described method offers the possibility to quickly determine gonadal maturity in females. The application of ultrasound is completely safe for fish and the portable animal Doppler color ultrasound machine can be used in laboratory and field conditions.

 Ultrasound examination

Artificial reproduction in European eels is inefficient and has a high mortality rate, so one way to improve artificial reproduction would be to first identify the male and female of the fish without compromising their health, and to perform gonadal biopsies in a non-invasive manner whenever possible.

Attempts to improve captive breeding should first include developing a method of determining the sex of fish without negatively affecting their health and performing gonadal biopsies as non-invasively as possible, and veterinary ultrasound machines can be a convenient solution to this problem.

Using animal ultrasound it is possible to determine the sex of a magnetic eel by examining the characteristics of the eel’s gonads. The gonads of male eels are almost invisible in the ultrasound image as they are only about the thickness of a hair, and based on this characteristic we can almost entirely rely on the ultrasound image to accurately determine the sex of an eel.

female gonads


Post time: Aug-02-2024