Veterinary ultrasound machine probe five failure aspects of the overhaul

Veterinary ultrasound machine probe failure is very common, the cause of failure is also a variety of reasons, summarized in the following aspects:

(1) the natural loss of the probe itself. This is because the probe has a certain period of use, more than the use of the period, it may occur aging, deterioration, insulation and mechanical wear and tear phenomena, serious or even complete failure, leakage, etc., resulting in failure.

(2) The probe is used in a poor environment. Mainly ambient temperature, humidity, corrosive gases and dust in the air, the probe is subject to strong vibration, power supply voltage fluctuations are too large, these may trigger instrument failure.

(3) Man-made failure. Caused by users or engineers and technicians who do not have a strong sense of responsibility, can not carry out the necessary maintenance and repair of the probe on time, illegal operation and other reasons. About maintenance links can refer to: veterinary ultrasound machine probe maintenance links and notes.1, the probe component failure rate and reasons

According to our experience in the repair of veterinary ultrasound machine probe, the main problems of the probe crystal failure, lens failure, sheath damage, shell damage, cable leakage and circuit board burned out, the repair is also from these aspects of the inspection and repair.


Veterinary ultrasound machine probe component failure rate and causes.

Probe damage is mainly concentrated in the cable leakage, shell damage and jacket damage in several aspects, and these aspects of the damage is mostly due to the use of time is too long or improper use of the operator, the probe is subject to external influences and failures. Crystal failure is mainly due to the operator’s careless use of the probe touched on hard objects, so that the probe cracked, chip broken or the use of coupling agent is not qualified, long-term use of the probe damage is greater, the serious probe surface blistering, cracking. Lens failure is mainly caused by long-term use of natural wear and tear, scratches, cracking, corrosion, degumming, blistering or damage caused by external collision. When the operator is not normal installation or disassembly of the probe and switching machine improper operation, but also cause the circuit board burned out.

2, cable damage overhaul

Veterinary ultrasound machine probes used in the cable is a very high quality requirements of multi-core highly shielded cable, very fine workmanship, the cable within the wire tight, more than hundreds of roots, like hair thick and thin. Due to the use of multi-directional probe, cable bending, twisting makes the cable’s outer protective insulation will break the skin, fracture, revealing the signal line inside the shielding layer of the destruction, disconnection, the image will produce interference with the ripples and defects.

Failure phenomenon: There has been a serious interference with the monitor image, the full screen appears like snowflakes of light points, flickering feeling strong, and can not adjust the brightness.

Analysis and repair: due to the probe by external forces or the operator to use the wrong probe position for a long time placed improperly lead to the cable line inside the wire breakage. Open the outer holster, the total shielding line horizontal cut, pick out the broken line, welded, wrapped in a layer of transparent tape, with a multimeter to measure whether it is on, on, the shielding of this wire will be connected and wrapped in tape. If more than one broken, the same method as above. Trial, all normal after the outermost layer of the total shielding line welded, the outer holster with a high-voltage electric edge plastic tape for fixed, more than a year of good use, there is no longer a failure.

3, crystal damage overhaul

Failure phenomenon: ultrasound machine quality is good, but a detected image mixed with black shadows, and black bars interference.

Analysis and repair: veterinary ultrasound machine probe most of the internal piezoelectric crystals, long-term use will cause natural aging of the crystals, non-standardized use or falling, touching and other external blows will cause damage to the probe crystal damage, crystal damage, veterinary ultrasound machine detector detected the image will appear signal attenuation, the image of the black image, black bars, black bars, interference, defective and other blind spots, the image of the serious case will be In severe cases, the image will be blind, all of which will cause the doctor can not diagnose, affecting the quality of diagnosis.

This type of failure is caused by a short circuit in the probe wafer of the veterinary ultrasound machine. The short circuit of the chip can be judged by measuring the power supply voltage of the chip, if the power supply voltage of a chip or chipset is lower than the other ones, it can be judged that there is a short circuit in the chip or chipset. Replace the corresponding chip or chipset, so that the probe to restore the previous characteristics, interference disappears.

4, lens failure repair

Failure phenomenon: black and white super, vertical dark bars appear in the monitor image. Squeeze the probe vertical dark bars, vertical dark bars significantly weakened, replace the same type of probe vertical dark bars disappeared, the preliminary judgment, the sound lens layer and match the layer may be degumming.

Analysis and repair: Acoustic lens is the upper part of the veterinary ultrasound machine probe in contact with the human body gel-like professional material, long-term use will cause natural wear and tear of the acoustic lens, scratches, cracking, corrosion, degumming, blistering and other damage, especially due to the coupling agent into the lower layer of the corrosion caused by the coupling agent will not only result in

Artifacts and other blind spots, resulting in misdiagnosis of doctors, serious damage to the ultrasound machine probe crystal or cause leakage, endangering the patient’s body, bringing harm to the patient and the machine.

With liquid silicone injected into the debonding place and drive out the air bubbles, with gauze tape force the probe tied tightly placed 24 hours after loosening, the fault disappeared, the probe returned to normal use. It was proved that the fault was caused by the debonding between the acoustic lens layer and the matching layer. In dealing with this kind of failure, the use of liquid silicone rubber as a probe acoustic lens repair material and acoustic lens layer and matching layer between the adhesive material, practice has proved effective.

5, sheath, shell and circuit board damage maintenance overhaul

Veterinary ultrasound machine probe sheath is Veterinary ultrasound machine probe and cable connections play a reinforcing role in the rubber sleeve, veterinary ultrasound machine probe sheath is important to prevent the cable right-angle folding pressure. Long-term use will cause the sheath of the fracture, shedding and missing, which will cause the cable breakage, affecting the image. Veterinary ultrasound machine probe due to long-term use will cause shell cracking aging, or because of human factors such as falling, touching and deformation, this time due to the destruction of the shielding quality of the probe shell, will cause image interference, unclear, serious inductance current from the front, endangering the patient’s body. In some cases, veterinary ultrasound machine in the boot loading and unloading probe or circuit fire, will make the probe circuit board, high-voltage switch burned, the image has a greater impact, such as image interference, no image, lack of image and other phenomena.


It should be noted that the veterinary ultrasound machine probe is the core component of the veterinary ultrasound machine, and the price is very expensive, must be in the exclusion of their own faults in the machine, to determine the probe failure, before you open the probe. Due to the frequent use of veterinary ultrasound machine probe, so the failure rate is high, the maintenance should become passive for active, the probe can be regularly maintenance overhaul, the fault will be dealt with in the bud. In the usual use, the following points should be noted: from the host before plugging and unplugging the probe, the host should be cut off the power supply; the use of light to hold and put, can not be hard to pull or make the cable folded, is strictly prohibited to knock, drop, collision; to use qualified coupling agent, do not use corrosive or self-compatible coupling agent; each time the probe is used after the completion of the use of the probe with a soft cloth or soft paper will be wiped clean, do not use water or organic solvents, so as to avoid water intrusion into the internal circuitry of the probe To avoid water ingress or damage to the internal circuitry of the probe; The probe should be kept dry and clean in the protective box, the room should maintain a certain temperature and humidity, there should be a good ground and a stable AC power supply.

Post time: May-23-2024